summer is coming to a close which means fall is coming around the corner fast. this also means, fall shopping is upon us. there are a few colors that are striking my fancy this year. these are the colors i'm going to keep in mind while shopping this season.
this classic, rich color is fabulous on everything. i especially love it in shoes. i plan on investing in some new oxblood colored boots for the fall. try this color trend in pants, shoes, or bags. here are some pictures i found from pinterest to help spark your creativity for fall:

{she can really do no wrong!}


with cobalt you can either go into two spectrums: bright, jewel tone cobalt or dark, mysterious cobalt. i'm really digging the dark cobalt for this fall, but the bright cobalt color is also fabulous. behold, inspiration for below;
{silk northfork top - $98 - madewell}
{gypsystone earrings - $18 - madewell}


another rich color. emerald green doesn't usually get the praise it deserves, but i think that it is one of fall's "it" colors.


grey, surprisingly, is one of my favorite colors. it's a refreshing change and softer alternative to black.
{looking glass earrings in grey - $32 - anthropologie}

{grey-t success dress - $69.99 - modcloth}

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