sorry that i have been away for so long; i was in florida for spring break. it was nice and relaxing; i definitely needed to get away. here are some photos from my travels.
hogwarts castle - universal studios orlando

butterbeer - yum!

my sister and i displaying our "excited face"

my mother and i

the beach!
and while i was away, something amazing happened: it officially became spring! however, the weather in ohio didn't get the memo. it has been snowing constantly. you know the old saying: march in like a lion, out like a lamb. well march came in like a lion, and is going out like lion too. damn you lamb, where'd you go?

so, i'm continuing to dream of spring (by spring i mean the REAL spring - not the fake stuff we got going on now). in these dreams, i am coveting skirts; especially asymmetrical wrap skirts. here are some looks i have found on pinterest:

here are a few options:

crossover mini skirt // &&